Facebook Ads Management Pricing Calculator
Thanks so much for signing up to get my Facebook Ads Management Pricing Calculator! Your instructions for access are below. I’ve been running Facebook Ads for clients for 8 years and in this guide I cover some of the pricing models available, structuring your services and more in this guide.
Running Facebook and Instagram Ads for clients is one of the best businesses that you can start today. You can add this service to your existing business or start a business running ads exclusively. Facebook ads have become more complex and your services are in demand!
Please note the directions on the Google Doc for the Pricing Calculator – you need to make your OWN copy of this calculator in order to use it, the Doc I give you is protected.
How to Price Your Facebook Ads Management Services Ebook
First download the Ebook here: How to Price Your Facebook Ad Services
This will give you a good overview of what you need to take into consideration when pricing your services. Remember that you may have to make adjustments for different countries and the examples are not a guarantee of income. There is work involved!
Pricing Calculator
Access the Pricing Calculator here: Facebook Ads Management Pricing Calculator
This is a protected Google Doc so that everyone can use it. What you need to do is save your own copy and then you will be able to enter your numbers.
Just click File in the upper left corner then select Make a copy. You can then name your file whatever you like and add or change things as needed. Your copy will be in your Google Drive that you access here: https://drive.google.com
Make note of where you may need to improve your times, or charge more for the work you are doing!
Feel free to send me any feedback at support@andreavahl.com
How do you continue to stay on top of Facebook Ad Changes? Join my Course – Opening SOON!
Facebook changes are coming at a more rapid pace as they innovate and try to stay ahead of the pack. Plus Instagram Ads are an up and coming option and created on the Facebook Ads platform!
As a marketer, you need to get notified of new changes and get real-world information on what’s working and what’s not.
My Facebook Advertising Secrets course can help and will be opening soon!
This deep-dive training and year-long mentorship program will give you the confidence and expertise you need to run successful Facebook advertising campaigns for your clients.